Magical Globe Birch, scientifically known as Betula pendula ‘Magical Globe’ is a deciduous tree, native to Europe. Known for its globe-shaped form, Betula Pendula makes an excellent choice for small gardens or as a feature in larger landscapes. Typically, growing to heights of 10-13 meters with a similar spread, it’s an ideal choice for tight spaces or for adding structure and interest to a mixed border. Its leaves are small and oval-shaped, with a bright green colour that provide a striking contrast against the tree’s smooth, white bark.
One of the most impressive features of the Magical Globe Birch is its year-round appeal. In the spring, the tree produces clusters of small, yellow-brown flowers that are followed by small, cone-shaped catkins. Its leaves turn bright yellow in autumn, providing a stunning display of colour. Even in the winter, the tree’s bark provides a striking contrast against the snow and the otherwise grey landscape. The Magical Globe Birch is a hardy tree that is relatively low-maintenance and tolerant of a range of soil types. It prefers well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade.
This type of tree is versatile and will make a statement in any garden. Its compact size, year-round appeal and low-maintenance nature, make it an excellent choice for a range of garden styles and landscape settings. Whether you are looking to add structure to a mixed border or create a focal point in a small garden, the Magical Globe Birch is worth considering.
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