Evereste Crab Apple Hedging – Malus Evereste


Malus ‘Evereste’, popularly known as the Evereste Crab Apple, is a highly-prized, deciduous ornamental tree or shrub. Originally from France, this cultivar of the Crab Apple family is revered for its prolonged and plentiful flowering, attractive fruits, and vibrant autumn colours.

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Evereste Crab Apple Hedging – Malus Evereste

Malus ‘Evereste’, popularly known as the Evereste Crab Apple, is a highly-prized, deciduous ornamental tree or shrub. Originally from France, this cultivar of the Crab Apple family is revered for its prolonged and plentiful flowering, attractive fruits, and vibrant autumn colours.

Description and Characteristics

Evereste Crab Apple exhibits a compact, upright growth habit, producing ovate leaves of a bright green colour that turn to golden and orange hues in the autumn. This tree offers a significant visual interest through the year.

As a hedging plant, it generally grows to a height of 4-8 metres (13-26 feet) with a moderate growth rate of around 30-60cm (12-24 inches) per year. With proper care and favourable conditions, this plant can live for 50 years or more.

Flowering, Fruits, and Reproduction

The Evereste Crab Apple produces abundant blossoms in spring, offering a spectacular display of white to pale pink, fragrant flowers. These flowers are hermaphroditic, containing both male and female organs, and are typically pollinated by bees.

The flowers develop into small, orange-red crab apples by the late summer or early autumn. The fruits are long-lasting, persisting on the tree well into the winter and providing a valuable food resource for birds and other wildlife.

Benefits to Wildlife

The Evereste Crab Apple serves as a valuable habitat and food source for a variety of wildlife. The flowers provide nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinators, while the fruits attract birds and mammals. The dense growth of the tree also provides excellent nesting and sheltering opportunities for birds.

Ideal for British Gardens

The Evereste Crab Apple is a fantastic choice for British gardens due to its aesthetic appeal and versatility. The profuse spring blossoms, colourful autumn foliage, and winter fruit provide year-round visual interest.

It is also quite adaptable to a variety of soil types and conditions, and it can thrive in both full sun and partial shade. The Evereste is often used in hedging but can also stand as a singular ornamental tree or be incorporated into a mixed wildlife-friendly hedge.

Distribution in the UK

The Evereste Crab Apple is not a native UK species but has become popular in British gardens, parks, and public spaces due to its many attractive characteristics. It can be found throughout the UK, wherever ornamental and wildlife-friendly plants are appreciated.

In conclusion, the Evereste Crab Apple, with its spectacular floral display, attractive fruits, vibrant autumn colours, and wildlife benefits, is an excellent addition to a British garden design. Whether you’re seeking to create a stunning focal point, establish a mixed hedge, or enhance your garden’s biodiversity, Malus ‘Evereste’ is a perfect choice.

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