Doorenbos Birch – Betula Utilis Doorenbos


Doorenbos birch is a fast growing, deciduous tree, most recognised for its striking white stem. A great choice for those who are looking to add a feature tree to their gardens.

Volume Discount
Quantity Discount Discounted price
10 - 24 5% -
25 - 49 10% -
50 - 99 15% -
100 - 250 20% -

Doorenbos Himalayan birch tree, also known as Betula utilis Doorenbos, is a deciduous tree, although it is native to the Himalayas, Betula utilis Doorenbos thrives in UK climate and is hardy to all weather conditions. These trees are loved for their standout white bark and striking appearance. Doorenbos birch leaves are oval or elliptical in shape, with a pointed tip. Throughout autumn, leaves turn a bright, vibrant yellow colour before falling off.
In its natural setting, Doorenbos birch is often found growing near streams, rivers, and in mountain valleys. The Doorenbos birch tree is a medium-sized tree, typically reaching heights of 12 to 15 meters and a spread of 8 by 4 meters in roughly 20 years, although some specimens can grow up to 24 meters tall. Well drained soil is recommended for Doorenbos Birch. These trees are typically planted for their ornamental value in parks and gardens, where they can provide a striking visual display to any landscape.