General Tree Advice
Trees are crucial components of our gardens; they bring an array of benefits including aesthetic appeal, functionality, and ecosystem support. Whether you are fortunate enough to have a garden filled with trees and need advice on how to care for them or if you’re just getting started and need some advice on which tree is best for your garden. Our tree page is full of expert advice and inspiration, including our tree pruning advice, our beginners guide to evergreen vs deciduous trees and our horticulture expert’s pics for the season as well as so much more!
Harrod Outdoors Founder Shares Expert Insights on Pleached Trees in Ideal Home
Harrod Outdoors Founder Shares Expert Insights on Pleached Trees in Ideal Home Share This Article: In a recent feature by Ideal Home, Chandler Harrod, founder
Aspen Trees and Their History
All about aspen trees and their history. Discover why, they remain a rarity in the UK, and learn about their role in nurturing biodiversity.
Introduction to Palm Trees
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on palm trees, where we explore the captivating world of these iconic botanical wonders.
Tree Training: Shaping Beauty and Function in Our Gardens
Find out about why tree training is a transformative practice and how it allows us to shape visually stunning elements in our gardens.
The Importance of Tree Pruning
Tree pruning is a gardening practice that is vital for the health of our plants. Explore how to prune as well as shape your plants.
Signs of Healthy Trees: A Guide to Assessing Tree Health
How do we know when out tree is healthy? It is important to understand the health of our trees so we can care for them and prevent diseases.